domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Sickle Cell Anemia

                Firstly, we have to understand all the sides of the disease. The normal blood shape is circular. Although, the blood cell of other people is lunar because of a change in the DNA. The change could be more evolution than a disease (to survive the malaria in the coast west of Africa). Some people think that this kind of evolution is a mistake and the prevent “treatments” could be considered racist.
                The biology helps to understand Anemia. The research in Biochemistry, genetics and cytology about the anemia explain the complication of the disease (like tiredness ad breathiness) and the reason of the disease (a change in the DNA).The research of the biology science such has the chemistry also helps. The physics explain all the problems that are cause of the strange shape and texture of the blood cell. The mathematics and geography talk us about the damage around the world about the disease, to know the distribution around the world. The knowledge is the best weapon against the anemia.
                The anemia is not so bad. It can be considered an evolution. The malaria is a disease that is frequently find in the coast west of Africa. A Malaria epidemic comes to Africa four thousand year ago. The anemia was a kind of protection against the Malaria. The shapes of the Anemia blood cells are not good to the reproduction of the malaria parasite, that’s why; almost all the population in Africa has the disease, almost all the survivors had these condition. The evolution and virology the can study the African case and explain how the anemia is an evolution to survive the Malaria.
                The little change in DNA is a big change in the world. We know that a change of valine for glutamic acid change the shape of the blood cell. If the blood cells change the blood is completely different. If the blood changes, all the system of your body would change because the need of oxygen. If almost all your systems are affected your organism would tried to survive to all the changes. If you have the disease, you would pass the anemia to your children (1 of 4 according to the statistics) so you are affecting your family. Your family carries the gene so they could affect the city. If the disease still grow upping to other cities will affect all the country. The disease could still grow upping until the disease will be in the entire world. The disease is already around the world but it’s not like epidemic, we have to learn to accept anemic. They are a human being like us.
                It’s a single change, a big mistake. The macromolecules that are involved in Anemia are the proteins. The anemic supposed to have valine instead of glutamic acid. Those two proteins give the circular and flexible shape to the blood cells. But with the change, the glucomic acid make inflexible and with a strange shape the blood cells.
                The blood cell has a protein called hemoglobin. The hemoglobin gives our blood the red color. It also carries oxygen and carbon dioxide in all the body so it helps with the oxygenation. When you have a sickled blood cell, the cell cannot pass wherever it should. That´s why, the anemic could have strokes, splenic sequestration crisis, serious infections, vision problems … more than a healthy person.
                The circular and flexible shape is the best shape for the hemoglobin in blood cells. The hemoglobin has a fiber globular shape. That´s why, the hemoglobin has level 3 of structure. Although, the hemoglobin has a level 3 of structure with the sickle cell the hemoglobin. The hemoglobine is part of the blood cells. With the mutation the beautiful circular shape is change into a lunar weird cell so it changes to an unclassified shape.
                These changes are fatal. First of all, the oxygen doesn’t get in all the parts of the body so they have a bad circulatory system. The shape of the blood cells also clogs the veins. Because almost all the cells are deformed the liver is sick. The liver clean all the bad cells so when almost all cells are not right the liver is supersaturated (it might need a surgery to fix it). The iron in the blood is less than it suppose be. The circulatory system is bad than they cannot do exercise. They usually feel tired. The level of life is not so longer. They usually live between 50 and 53 years old
                 The anemia is not a pretty disease. Despite knowing all the bad things about anemia, I still believing that is better live a not so good live than never live. I understand that some people thing that is the best not have children because they have the disease. I know that I might never understand their suffering, although; the right to live is the most important right for me. In the campaign say the entire bad thing but they never say anything about how the anemia saves the population of Africa. They never explain the reason why Africa has so many anemia cases. I am upset because they are trying to do the cheapest thing. If I could do something, I will research for more information. I am sure that someday the disease would be cure or I hope so. The government should give money for research instead for discrimination campaigns against the live.